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Cenacle Prayer List

Week 112, January 28th 2019

 Please join in prayer for:

Ana (breast cancer); Carl; +Frank Doucet (father of Darlene Evans who died Jan 22nd following a massive stroke); Albert; Ashley; Don; Simon; Viola; Ann (continuing healing); Bob (healing); Fred (healing); +Frances; Chesterton Academy (newly founded Catholic school relying solely on donations & offering daily Mass); JP2 Centre (to assist them & come alongside in helping them to spread the message of Divine Mercy); Debbie and Ian; Beatrice (for a full recovery from surgery and  the Lord’s blessing on her &  her family); Mary Lou ( healing); Erin (healing); Julie (healing); Margaret; Emrie; Gerry; Marija; Anne; Debbie; Marion; Pam; Angele’s family; Erin Holt (cancerous brain tumour); Colleen Belanger (suffering from torn tendons); Virginia McKeever's mother and family; Aislynn’s (surgery today).






Cenacle Prayer List

Week 111, January 14th 2019

 Please join in prayer for:

Christine Knutson (prayer for her healing); Don Sarazin; Beatrice (surgery this coming Thursday); Erin Holt (terminal brain cancer); Marion Ryan-Tattersall (starting chemotherapy this week); John Conroy (healing); Jim (multiple melanoma); Andre (throat cancer); Mary Lou (suffering from severe pain & condition is terminal); Daniel; John White (emotional/ mental healing); Margaret; Emrie; Peggy Golden; Anne; Tracy (terminal cancer); Tom, Matt, Marc, Danika (for deeper conversion & protection); Cindy & family (deep healing); Frank (possible blood clot); Gary (brain tumours); Ana (breast cancer); Mary  breast cancer); Novi (that the medical procedure she will undergo be successful).


Cenacle Prayer List

Week 110, January 7, 2019


 Please join in prayer for:


Erin Holt (terminal brain cancer); Maria Twata Lutalo ( fighting for her life following two falls); Beverly Drummond (given one month to live); Marion Ryan (Tattersall) (about to start chemotherapy in mid-January); Will Tatttersall (healing from serious health issues); Fred Wilmont (healing from deliberating back pain);  Lloyd White (heart problems  & conversion); Angele Adams (for conversion of a family member & healing & restoration of their marriage); Margaret; Emrie; Peggy Golden (still in hospital recovering from a broken pelvis) ;  Colleen Belanger; Julie (ostomy reversal surgery); Bernadette (Lori's Aunt); Aislynn Ball



Cenacle Prayer List

Week 109, December 10,  2018


 Please join in prayer for:


 Terri Siok; +Soeur Therese; +Sister Louise Dunn; +John Jerome (who passed away last week); Christine Knutson (diagnosed with terminal cancer) and her family; Marion (undergoing chemotherapy); Simon who had his stomach removed and all the cancer was gone.  Now it has come back after one year; Ashley who is disabled; Perpetual Adoration Chapel in Cumberland  needs more adorers (please contact Lyse Charon if you can help:




Cenacle Prayer List

Week 108, December 3, 2018


 Please join in prayer for:


Peggy (recovering from 3 cancer surgeries); +Ian O’Hara (28 years old died in hospital); Theresa McGuire (faithful CWL member needs healing); Ashley Nutarak; Gisele Mageau; Cheryl; Ruban Rowan (continued health); +Pierre; Margaret; Emrie; +Joe; Cathy (newly diagnose peritoneal cancer); John Jerome (85 years old hospitalized - suffering from COPD, kidney failure and heart issues); Darlene Evans;  Marion (will be undergoing chemotherapy); +Joe


Cenacle Prayer List

Week 107, November 26, 2018


 Please join in prayer for:


 Mary-Lou (very painful incurable condition); Jim (cancer); Lyse (healing & conversion of family members); Rita & Gerard and the families they minister to; Darren (addiction); Larry (cancer); Anne; Margaret; Emrie; Pierre; Louise; Prospere (cancer); Marie-Michel (cancer); Diane (Jury duty); Marion (healing following surgery); +Joe


Cenacle Prayer List

Week 106, November 19, 2018


 Please join in prayer for:


Marion (healing following surgery); Joel (healing); +Kathy Kolb; +Lyse; +Mary; + Cecil Joyeux; Pierre; Louise; Shannon; Margaret; Margaret; Emrie; Ashley Nutarak; Gisèle (personal intentions); Jamaal (heart surgery); Austin (surgery this week); Diane Naipaul (stent replacement procedure this Thursday)

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